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Recommended products regarding the topic “Behringer Td 3 Rd”
We have compared products in the section “Behringer Td 3 Rd”. Here you can find the top 16 in the category “Behringer Td 3 Rd”.
Behringer Td 3 Rd – the most important at a glance
TheBehringer Td 3 R is an analog synthesizer that was released in 1983. It is a twooscillator synth with a suboscillator and a noise generator. The Td 3 R also has an LFO, envelope generators, and a filter. The synth can be played monophonically or polyphonically.
The Td 3 R is similar to the Roland TB303 in that it is a bass synthesizer. However, the Td 3 R has a few more features than the TB303, including a suboscillator and a noise generator. The Td 3 R also has a more diverse range of sounds that it can create.
The Td 3 R is a great synth for creating bass lines. It can create a wide range of sounds, from growling bass to acidlike tones. The synth is also capable of creating lead sounds. The Td 3 R is a versatile synth that is perfect for any musician who wants to create their own unique sounds.
Bestsellers in “Behringer Td 3 Rd”
A list of bestsellers under the category “Behringer Td 3 Rd” you can find here. Here you can see which products other users have bought especially often.
- All-analog Bass Synthesizer
- Poly Chain Capability - Red
- with 16-step Sequencer
- Four-pole Resonant VCF
- Arpeggiat
- Amazing Bass Line synthesizer with true analog circuitry for bass and groove sounds
- Authentic reproduction of original circuitry with matched transistors
- Pure analog signal path based on legendary VCO, VCF and VCA designs
- Sawtooth and square waveform VCO with transistor wave-shaping circuitry
- Amazing Four-pole low-pass resonant filter with cut-off, resonance, envelope, decay and accent controls
- Amazing Bass Line synthesizer with true analog circuitry for bass and groove sounds
- Authentic reproduction of original circuitry with matched transistors
- Pure analog signal path based on legendary VCO, VCF, and VCA designs
- Sawtooth and square waveform VCO with transistor wave-shaping circuitry
- Amazing 4-pole low-pass resonant filter with cut-off, resonance, envelope, decay and accent controls
- Easy-to-use 16-step sequencer with 7 tracks, each with 250 user patterns
- Arpeggiator with wide patterns for great sound effects
- Distortion circuitry modeled after the DS-1 adds insane spice and edge to your sounds
- 16-voice Poly Chain allows combining multiple synthesizers for up to 16 voice polyphony
- 11 controls and 28 switches to give you direct and real-time access to all important parameters
- Light adhesive included for sticking to the bottom of your synthesizer
- Rubber feet on bottom
- Extra rubber feet included
- The TD-3 is pictured for context only - it is NOT part of the listing.
- Item Category: Musical Instruments
- Item Trademark: Behringer
- Manufacturer: Music Tribe
- Manufacturer: Music Tribe
- "Modded Out" Bass Line synthesizer featuring the most legendary modifications
- Pure analog signal path based on legendary VCO, VCF and VCA designs
- Sawtooth and square waveform VCO with transistor wave-shaping circuitry
- Amazing 4-pole low-pass resonant filter with cut-off, resonance, envelope, decay and accent controls
- Easy-to-use 16-step sequencer with 7 tracks, each with 250 user patterns
- Amazing Bass Line synthesizer with true analog circuitry for bass and groove sounds
- Authentic reproduction of original circuitry with matched transistors
- Pure analog signal path based on legendary VCO, VCF and VCA designs
- Sawtooth and square waveform VCO with transistor wave-shaping circuitry
- Amazing 4-pole low-pass resonant filter with cut-off, resonance, envelope, decay and accent controls
- All-analog Bass Synthesizer
- with 16-step Sequencer
- Four-pole Resonant VCF
- Poly Chain Capability
- Arpeggiat
- Poly Chain Capability - Black
- All-analog Bass Synthesizer
- with 16-step Sequencer
- Four-pole Resonant VCF
- Arpeggiat
- Great Bass Line synthesizer with true analog circuits for bass and groove sounds
- Authentic display of original circuits with matching transistors
- Pure analog signal pad based on legendary VCO, VCF and VCA designs
- Sawtooth and square waveform VCO with transistor wave-forming circuits
- Great 4-pole low-pass resonant filter with cut. -off, resonantic e, envelope, decay and accent controls
Our Winner:
- All-analog Bass Synthesizer
- Poly Chain Capability - Red
- with 16-step Sequencer
- Four-pole Resonant VCF
- Arpeggiat
Current offers for “Behringer Td 3 Rd”
You want to buy the best products in “Behringer Td 3 Rd”? In this bestseller list you will find new offers every day. Here you will find a large selection of current products in the category “Behringer Td 3 Rd”.